Sunday, May 22, 2011

Vegan Cheesecake

I made these delicious vegan cheesecakes from a recipe I found on I substituted almond milk for the recommended soy milk. I also used Keebler Ready Crust Mini Graham Cracker Pie Crusts. From reading the Keebler label, the crusts appear to be vegan. This dessert tastes more like custard than cheesecake, but delicious nonetheless. I added fresh blackberries on top for flavor and appearance.


  1. I find cheesecake really needs cashew cream to work. Just sub half the soy for soaked, pureed cashews- the cream should be perfectly light and fluffy, not at all grainy. I would also use coconut cream instead of milk (you can get this in the south asian section of an asian grocery store).

  2. Truly ScrumptiousMay 23, 2011 at 5:08 PM

    Thanks for your suggestions!
