Friday, May 20, 2011

Stuffed Tomatoes

This is a great way to use up tomatoes as they get too ripe.

- three (or more) hollowed out tomatoes
- salsa
- chopped mushrooms
- chopped onions
- chopped green onions
- chopped eggplant
- chopped spinach
- chopped garlic
- cooked quinoa
Daiya cheddar style shreds
- handful cilantro

1. Cook quinoa according to package.
2. Hollow out tomatoes.
3. In a pan, sautee mushrooms, onions, green onions, eggplant, garlic, and spinach until soft. Add in cooked quinoa and salsa and cook until heated through.
4. In an oven safe dish, place the tomatoes and fill with sauteed vegetables. Use excess vegetables and quinoa to line the bottom of the dish. Sprinkle with a handful of fresh cilantro and top with Daiya shredded cheddar "cheese."
5. Bake at 350 F for 20-25 minutes.

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